Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Just Cause games...

I've played these...all 4.

Good fun, but eventually I reached a point in the first three where I lack the skill to go any farther.

Didn't feel like I didn't get my money's worth for them, took long enough to reach a required mission that I simply couldn't do that I didn't mind.

Just Cause 4, however...

Repeated annoyances, almost from the very beginning. 

Timed missions. I hate timed missions.

No difficulty adjustment.

Checkpointed game saves. Random respawn points.

Really awkward UI. Way too complex.

It runs weirdly slow. I think it is stuck on the 4K settings somehow. I changed resolution down to regular HD, with medium textures, but it didn't seem to help much, if any.

They did at least get rid of the "collect the little white boxes monkey-biz".

Played about 12 hours. Haven't figured out what some aspects are even about. Squads? What are they for? Looks like I won't be going back to this one...