Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Concerts I've been to

This is a newly created list, so it's incomplete, and incorrect, but covers a bunch of them:

There are of course other things...seen Brave Combo at least a couple more times that didn't involve tickets, so I can't list them properly...once was Lewisville TX, outside at some amphitheater, another time was outside at the Kennedy Center, DC.

At some point soon I will photograph the concert tickets and add them to the shows.
Click here
Later: OK, I'm missing like 3 tickets. There's a concert I've remembered and forgotten, no ticket there, and there were several shows that were free and didn't HAVE tickets. So this is pretty complete.

July 5 2021. And now the viewer is broken. As amazing as the Internet actually is, this sorta shit bugs THE CRAP outta me.