Friday, December 15, 2006

recent reading...

Read the latest Janet Evanovich "Stephanie Plum" book two weeks ago titled "Twelve Sharp". Pretty good, but Stephanie's car doesn't get blown up--hey! You gotta stick with your conventions once you establish them. And when's the movie coming out?

and apparently Evanovich wrote some "romance" novels under a pen-name before happening onto Ms Plum and they are getting reprinted now. Not sure if I want to read them, altho they are self-described as "romantic comedies", which might be ok. I think there's a couple of other new ones by JE that I don't have, in her other series. It's about to be xmas vacation time, which means more reading. (Yeah, I know, when do I fit that in between the game-playing).

if you look at JE's website (, you can see she has now gone to having fans submit book titles for the Plum series. hmm. And there's another in-between Plum book, like the xmas book a couple of years ago; this one is for Valentine's Day.

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