Wednesday, December 10, 2008

great quote

it's political...from Talking Points Memo, referring to the Blagojevich issue this week.

"What could be more patriotic than to distract a presidency from its first attempts at fixing a damaged nation?"

What do you bet there will be no Republicans who come out saying it is not ok to criticize the [new] President on a wartime footing. They certainly said it about Bush--will they say it about Obama?

It's ok to criticize the President anytime. Has to be.

That needs to be a valid criticism. Distractions are dangerous time-wasters. This attempt to smear Obama with some of the Blagojevich crap is just that. I'd be willing to bet that the guy doing it, apparently Mike Duncan, head of the RNC, would be unable to be so obnoxious and strident if he actually had to say the words to Obama's face.

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