Thursday, November 30, 2017

Using Google Earth

Have been using this lately. Working a project where the geographics are important, and someone sent me a KMZ file of some relevant info.

It finally works better than it used to. Hooray!

In the past it was the case that it crashed my laptop really bad--so bad that it needed power-cycling to recover--and now that hasn't happened; well, not on my Mac Pro. I'm not trying it on the laptop again, that was way too painful--so painful that deleting the application was what I did. Twice.

Project is that I may need a ground station for some work, and need to figure out what is possible relative to some other things regarding geolocations.

Years ago I wrote my own GIS program, and while I'd prefer to use that, it doesn't, at the moment, read KMZ files. KML, yes, but not KMZ. Given that KMZ is just zipped KML, that's not significant, but it doesn't. It doesn't show satellite images from a WMS/WFS server, etc, because I didn't ever need that. Probably don't here, either, if I could grab the appropriate data-sets as shapefiles or KML.

The application is interesting, how to solve the rural broadband internet problem. Using a different solution than what you typically read about. Since Hyde University is now based out in the sticks, we need a better solution than the current choices. Can't VPN out here, for example. Boo.

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