Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Socio/psycho-illogical something or other

I bumped into a hilariously offbeat opinion piece online last week.

Yes, on The Federalist.

It's reasonably short, so you should read THAT before reading THIS.

Skip the OkCupid aspect, which isn't actually relevant, other than as a convenience facilitator.

The question underlying this whole silly idea, is whether you want to be married to someone with whom you find some fundamental attitudes totally abhorrent. When you come home from work (or whatever) do you want to be getting into a verbal battle with your spouse?

I certainly don't. We occasionally have some serious disagreements here at work about technical details of this or that, often about someone's not knowing something. I wouldn't want to go home and have another argument about something or other. 

Eventually you'd stop talking to your spouse. It'd be too much work. Of the few couples I've heard of with seriously opposing political views, home life sounds...tricky. 

How much do you want to tiptoe around topics that are going to anger your spouse?

How much should you sacrifice of your own personal "security" to prevent the possible rise of another Trump? Would it even work? How?

There's a hint in that "headline" that conservatives are malleable, and that dating non-conservatives will change them enough that another Trump will be avoided. Is that even possibly true?

Would it take an Advanced Degree(tm) to figure this out? Hmm. No. It won't. 

But it's not going to happen. Who's going to specifically go looking for that kind of difficulty?

"Will you go out on a date with me so I can change your political persuasion?" 

The only way I'm changing my voting for someone else is if its Scarlett Johannson, and she's having sex with me every day. And I'd find out in advance what her politics are, just so I could say mine were different, if I thought that'd work out that way.

Assortative mating is when members of a group specifically seek other members of that same group as mating/family partners. Group membership can be defined however you like. This is as opposed to completely random selection. We have always behaved this way, usually based on skin color, but ultimately it is related to your ability to even meet other people. That aspect leads to economic sorting--you meet/mate with someone of similar economic background because that's who you can meet. Meet a woman at work? She likely has similar financial situation. Grow up in a big enough area, and the kids you meet at school all likely have approx the same economic status.

If you're a really pretty female, you can escape a lower economic status based on that alone. Probably true for males, altho I'd guess to a lesser extent.

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