Saturday, April 18, 2009

conservative writers

I do find it amusing reading the editorials in the Wash Post. Not sure if I've ever really changed my mind about anything based on them...Some are better than others.

in the Post, there are several conservative writers who appear regularly. Krauthammer and George Will are the most "prominent".

George Will wants to be William F Buckley the 2nd. You can tell this because he uses a lot of "buckley words" -- you know, the ones that cost $20. Buckley loved them. George does too.

So much so that you can measure the pomposity of Will's columns in "buckleys" -- i.e., how many buckley words he uses.

George Will is at his best when he writes about either baseball or First Amendment issues. The rest of the time, he's just a pompous, unhappy conservative.

But occasionally he's unintentionally funny, like a couple of days ago...when he wrote a column in effect showing what a geezer he has become, because he doesn't like the fact that so many people don't dress the way he wants them to, i.e., too many folks wear denim too often. And then he complains that too many people over 18 play computer/video games (probably would prefer that they listen to him pontificate [ooohhh, I used a buckley word]).

This reminds me SO much of the classic quote attributed to Socrates (approx 400 BC) about how the young people of "today" don't respect their elders and behave like their elders wish them to:

Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.

(the full quote is better, but seems hard to find online?!)

Socrates was pompous, too.

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